Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rubbing chemicals on myself all day, everyday

A lot of people will start a heated debated about what is the best invention. Honestly, I think deodorant and antiperspirant are easily two of the best inventions. Imagine how miserable everyone would be if the world wreaked of BO. Well as written on Tara's blog, these inventions that make life bearable may actually contain really harmful chemicals as described in this article.

With most substances, they should be kept away from broken skin. Broken skin in general should be avoided; that'd be for the best, but some chemicals can still be absorbed through your skin! These chemicals include aluminum, parabens, triclosan, talc, and others. I'm not surprised about this after many fun scientific discussions with my eighth grade math teacher, I know metals can be really harmful in the body, especially if digested. So avoid eating spoons. Anyway this shows why sometimes organic products may really be worth it! The word "organic" may not actually be just a label for Whole Foods to jack up their prices!

I actually thought about these chemicals in common body products while doing a chemistry project! In this project, one part involves taking pictures and recording what elements are found in every object of the picture. I took a picture of my shower, and it was very disturbing to find a lot of the chemicals in my shower soaps to be on chemicals to avoid at all costs lists. Like said in Tara's blog, some elements such as aluminum may even be linked to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. Well I should end this blog now since I have to throw out all of these products and run to Whole Foods before it closes. Fun filled Saturdays.

Come see the last night of Romeo and Juliette Rock Rendition tonight!

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