Saturday, May 31, 2014

Blood, sweat, tears, and now screams

Even if you are a professor of physics, I do not think you can explain why this man is screaming at his paint canvas. I mean, I understand, art makes me aggravated too, but what is the point of this? 

I've written about sound, and how it travels before, so I'll explain again! Sound is really just a series of vibrations made by a moving object. In this case, it's the man's vocal chords! These vibrations travel by coming in contact with air molecules and bouncing around. This is why if you see amplifiers they usually have a circular part behind a screen which moves to make a bigger vibration. This is also why you become deaf at concerts. Also this is why you can't hear in space because there aren't air molecules. 

So maybe this man's scream spreads out the paint molecules. Congratulations, you can make thicker lines on a canvas? Knowing art, this will probably sell for two million dollars! Enough nonsense now. 

Luxury... ice?

In a world where people are buying the stupidest products for obscene amounts of money, I have undoubtedly found the product that tops this list. Luxury ice. Yes, Gläce Luxury Ice, is selling luxury ice cubes and spheres for $8 a piece. Warning, if you ask your parents for $325 to buy this bag of ice, they may slap you! Rightfully so!

So basically fancy snowballs for $325.

When ice trays simply won't cut it... Anyway for the relevancy of this article, these ice spheres are made using chemistry! So each sphere is hand carved from an extremely large ice block therefore this is a waste of time and money. These ice blocks are frozen from the outside in. Woo phase changes! The center of the ice is constantly agitated so that gases will escape. Then when the block is almost completely frozen, the middle is cut out and inserted with frozen layers.  

And this gives you "tasteless" ice! Which we apparently didn't have before...?

So study chemistry in college and you can charge people $325 for ice. Watch out for their hot (buh dum tsss) new product, luxury water! Only $50 per bottle! Just in case your parents haven't slapped you yet. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Almost scary teamwork

Well I have another video for everybody because I was too lazy to read an article and comment on it. Odds are you are sharing the same feelings right now. Or maybe not otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Since you already put in the effort to start this post, watch this video!

See! The team work is scary. Hire a team of ants as construction workers. They'll build a house in the time you'd use to call a real construction company! Ants are able to communicate better than people by using chemical scents known as pheromones (the link to the article is on "pheromones"). Scientists believe ants could have anywhere between ten or twenty different types of pheromones that they keep mainly on their antennae. 

So take away an ant's antenna, and it'll probably be more pissed than a teenager who just got their phone taken away. It's really depressing to know ants could probably build amazing things but instead they decide to construct piles of dirt with holes.... And this is why humans are the dominant race holding the magnifying glass. Woo mankind! 

Flying By in a Racecar

Is how I get to school. No, I wish. Somehow I'd still manage to be late. Well anyway I found this video which tests your hearing by using different sound frequencies!

I was playing this video, and I thought, "Wow! This sounds like I'm in a racecar!" Anyway I wondered why the frequency of the wave mattered in correspondence to the pitch of the sound. Thanks for the information from here. So everyone knows (or at least I hope) that sound is made by a series of vibrations. This is really what your vocal chords do when you talk. 

As you saw in the video from the animation, a greater frequency corresponded to a higher pitch and vice versa. This is why if you play a string instrument, the string is shortest during a high pitch note since it vibrates faster whereas a long string is used to play a note with a low pitch taking long for the whole object to vibrate.

People who are trained in music have been capable of noticing a difference of 2 Hz in a sound wave. In case you didn't know, that's very small. And if you are a music nerd thinking "Wow I'm a special!" well distinguishing between sound waves doesn't really count for anything in life. So good for you? 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Grocery Store Hospital

So I found this cool article about scientists who looked at cross sections of vegetables and fruits under an MRI. Yes, Veggies Tales has finally become a hospital soap opera. Who would've known MRIs actually have a lot to do with chemistry on the quantum level. After writing about waves of light for a chemistry project,  I decided I'd never write about waves again. As you can see, this didn't last long. 

To celebrate the new Shoprite, why not blog about fruits and vegetables!

Here's the boring part. Don't worry, the rest is a lot better. So an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is when a person (or food) lies in a strong magnetic field which lines up all of the protons in the atoms that make up your body. Next radio waves are sent to specific areas of the body to knock these protons out of place. After messing everything up, the radio waves are turned off and the protons come back in line and send out their own radio waves use to make images. These stupid waves never stop. If you want more of this stuff (I don't know why you would) read here. 

So now here comes the cool part! Can you guess the fruit or vegetable from the MRI? 

It's broccoli! Looks like a fourth of July fireworks show. Or the diagrams they show you when you go to the psychologist. 

The banana flower. Yeah, I didn't know they existed either. 

This is a kiwano. Looks like an alien blob. 

Corn! If you didn't know this one, but you guessed the kiwano, reevaluate your life. 

The Devil. Aka Tomatoes. Nasty. So this is what evil looks like. 

Celery, which requires more energy to digest than it gives. So it pretty much defeats the purpose of eating... 

Strawberries! A kaleidoscope is really just a cylinder with a bunch of strawberries inside of it. 
Check out the original article here

Well these MRIs have revealed fruits and vegetables don't have tumors! Aren't you relieved? Imagine going into an MRI room looking for a family member, but instead finding a fruit or vegetable. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" That'll help Obama care. 

My Shiny Teeth and Me

Woo Chip Skylark reference!

So Sarah and Dhara talked about teeth whiteners on both of their blogs, and I guess I'll join the conversation. Most teeth whiteners use bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. These agents treat two layers of the teeth.

Then Sarah added to this post by describing how drinks such as tea and coffee actually get stuck in these pits of your enamel. And if you don't brush your teeth, they won't go away! Wow even less motivation to drink coffee and tea. Coffee tastes nasty and only makes mornings more miserable. Tea requires a decent amount of effort for nothing more than flavored water. So I have no idea how nations have made millions of dollars in the tea trade in the past. I'm on the side of the Sons of Liberty from the Boston Tea Party. Throw that stuff in the water and leave it there. Then row out and beat it with oars the next morning. And after reading this, I am even less motivated to drink these two!

Many people wonder how they can whiten their teeth, and a common remedy is baking soda! Substances such as baking soda contain molecules called surfactants which attach to plaque molecules on one end and water molecules on the other! So when the water molecules take away the surfactants, they also take away the plaque molecules. "If I''m going down, I'm taking you with me!" Baking soda also gets rid of bacteria that forms plaque, but since it is a salt it does loose its effectiveness when water is added. Read more here.

Well that's teeth whitening. Now go focus on relevant topics in the world.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

"My printer is out of skin cells"

3-D printer: My first encounter with 3-D printers was from the hilarious TV show, The Big Bang Theory 
And the first place I got the idea for blogging about this was from Sarah's blog! As Howard decided to make an action figure of himself (who can really blame him though), and kids at my school can only make things like phone cases, it's hard to believe scientists are really finding incredible ways to use this machine. Scientists mainly see a use for this in the medical field of tissue engineering. Much better than a bunch of nerds making plastic guns. Those people might as well make plastic brains for themselves while they're at it. 

3-D printing mainly relies on the layering of hydrogel to make structures, and this positioning really becomes important in determining the purpose of this object. This precision is especially important when making implants or other medical tools. 

Scientists believe this ability to maneuver and place individual cells holds much promise for the future of tissue engineering. 

Sarah brings up the point wondering how this technology will continue to advance, but I mainly wonder how will scientists commercialize it. Like there are flying cars in the world, but odds are most people will never see them because of this thing called money. It's very strange how green paper can stand between you and happiness. Anyway, the point is unless scientists will make this technology more common, it will likely be grossly expensive and never impact society on a large scale. And if that's not their goal, then these scientists might as well just make action figures instead like Howard. 

"Why is your time slower?" "I was thinking about chemistry..."

After a track meet this morning, I thought I had the perfect topic to blog about. Just wanted to say I revile the weather man for excluding vicious winds and many clouds from his 60 degrees forecast. Miserable Saturday morning. Getting elbowed by other competitors was pretty aggravating also. As I ran my relay, I noticed a burning feeling in my muscles. For once there's chemistry people might actually care about! Who knew there's actually a way to slow the chemical reaction that's causing this aching feeling.

Well most people know the body breaks down glucose using oxygen to make ATP, ready energy. If you don't then go back to freshman biology. Anyway, many of the high-level activities the body performs require more oxygen than the body can provide. Therefore glucose can't be broken down with oxygen and a big mess happens that produces only a little bit of energy and lactate. This lactate is acidic causing your muscle aches! So all of this soreness for barely any energy. Check out the article here.

Most people don't know this, but this burning sensation is actually a sign from you body saying "stop stupid!" So your body is telling you not to do physical activities. I'll stick to Olympic eating. I think this is weird since people always tell you to fight through this burning sensation even though it's really trying to stop you from damaging your muscles severely. Based on my soar muscles, my body must be a lactate factory. Off to gorge myself in food!

Friday, March 28, 2014

River of Mac 'n Cheese!

I'll explain later!

But first I should explain I got the idea for this post from Talisi's blog! She wrote about this article explaining how the Yellow River in China is turning pink from tofu water! It just bothers me how the Yellow River is pink. It sounds like a confused teenage who doesn't know who they are in life. Apparently steam heating stations used for making tofu dye the water pink so people don't think it's drinking water. This is why people should stop eating tofu all together! My friend told me they have tofurkey (tofu turkey). WHY.

Anyway, if you're wondering about the relevance of this post to chemistry, I'm vaguely touching on how harmful waste products react with water to make these pretty cool but depressing colors. Depressing meaning my reaction when I look at the Hudson River. Chemistry explains this will come back to hurt us later! But for now let's look at cool pictures.

A RED RIVER. C'MON MANKIND. This sounds like something from a horror movie! It's also unsettling to know most of these colored rivers are in China. They must really care for all of their people... I guess Crayola factories must be located in China. What factories aren't located in China. 

The Vermilion River which got this awesome color from pollution from a nickel mine. I'm really sorry mother nature... but in this case I'm happy you were polluted... This river is just so cool! 

The Yellow River now located in New Hampshire in Massachusetts, contaminated by pollution from textile, shoe, and paper mills. If this is the same deal as with yellow snow, stay away!
Lastly the River of Mac 'n Cheese! I've always had an obsession with Mac n' Cheese, and this river in Wales looks very similar to the color of my favorite Kraft food! Wow, if I swam in this river my life would be made. As long as I don't have health problems after. 

Well all of these chemicals in the ocean react with water to form new substances. Then when evaporation occurs, these pollution substances are changed into gases. When they condense, they become rain and fall back down to Earth as acid rain. An elementary school education is enough to know this! 

So moral of the story: dump stuff on Mother Nature, and Mother Nature will dump it right back on you. 

Because cells have to be difficult.

Inspired by my school's upcoming hot dog eating competition, I figured the process of digestion involves chemistry. It does. Shocking. WARNING: I apologize in advance if this turns out to be gross; a man's got to do what a man's got to do for a chemistry blog.

Well since cells can't use hot dogs as a source of energy, the human body has to break it down. These cells should know they can be replaced at any second and will be! Literally. Mitotic division takes place every second.

Well the process of digestion all starts in the mouth! Odds are you don't know that saliva contains an enzyme called amylase. This makes the break down of food easier. So the next time you spit, you should feel very generous knowing you've just shared enzymes with the world.

WAIT. This article says how the stomach stretches and stores food otherwise we would eat food all day. What's so bad about that? That sounds like wonderful life!

Back to boredom. So the stomach secretes two liters of a combination of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and other liquids with a really high acidity to break down the food. It's really disturbing considering that's enough to fill two big soda bottles... Because of this really high acidity, our stomachs would probably digest themselves if it weren't for mucus. Then most of the digestion actually takes place in the small intestine.Check out the original article here.

So if you really love food, PROVE IT. Enter the hot dog eating contest! Even if you don't win, you're a winner for how many hot dogs you get to eat.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Outer Space. Explosions. Enough Said.

Recently in a binary pair of stars, one of the stars exploded as a supernova right next to the other one! Talk about an ugly breakup. Well teachers usually exploded on me on a daily basis, and I don't get an article written about me!? Oh well. Still waiting. 
Maybe I keep writing about stars because they look so cool. 

Anyway these stars are basically a load of spinning oxygen, magnesium, and neon. The star that exploded has the 25-40 times the mass of the sun. Yes. Too much gas and you explode. Well anyway when this star ran out of hydrogen, it got pretty ugly. "I'll find another star who can give me the hydrogen I need!" Read more in this article: Now this star will either be a neutron star or a black hole. So first it explodes and then causes more misery. This star must be Kim Jong-Un's role model.  

Rubbing chemicals on myself all day, everyday

A lot of people will start a heated debated about what is the best invention. Honestly, I think deodorant and antiperspirant are easily two of the best inventions. Imagine how miserable everyone would be if the world wreaked of BO. Well as written on Tara's blog, these inventions that make life bearable may actually contain really harmful chemicals as described in this article.

With most substances, they should be kept away from broken skin. Broken skin in general should be avoided; that'd be for the best, but some chemicals can still be absorbed through your skin! These chemicals include aluminum, parabens, triclosan, talc, and others. I'm not surprised about this after many fun scientific discussions with my eighth grade math teacher, I know metals can be really harmful in the body, especially if digested. So avoid eating spoons. Anyway this shows why sometimes organic products may really be worth it! The word "organic" may not actually be just a label for Whole Foods to jack up their prices!

I actually thought about these chemicals in common body products while doing a chemistry project! In this project, one part involves taking pictures and recording what elements are found in every object of the picture. I took a picture of my shower, and it was very disturbing to find a lot of the chemicals in my shower soaps to be on chemicals to avoid at all costs lists. Like said in Tara's blog, some elements such as aluminum may even be linked to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. Well I should end this blog now since I have to throw out all of these products and run to Whole Foods before it closes. Fun filled Saturdays.

Come see the last night of Romeo and Juliette Rock Rendition tonight!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Battle to the death: Me vs. fog machine

As I sit at music rehearsal and continue to be attack by fog, why not blog about it for chemistry? Because special effects are really special if they give you health complications. Am I losing sight or is this just a really good fog machine? Well since I'm on the second floor, let's hope it's not good enough to make me fall and break my face. 

Most fog machines heat glycol, glycerine, or mineral oil which creates a gas similar to fog or haze. Since it is heated, this gas usually stays near the ceiling. Maybe this is why they have a fan blowing, so the molecules cool and fall to the floor. Over time, the auditorium becomes filled with fog because more molecules are produced allowing the fog to completely fill the auditorium. It'll be fun trying to find the latter... Maybe this was purposely done so people can't see my face!

It's very reassuring to know this fog can become formaldehyde due to heat denaturation. Great. And if made incorrectly, these substances can be toxic! So don't try making these at home. Thanks for the anxiety

Is it had that it feels harder to breathe...

Everybody come see Romeo and Juliette Rock Adaptation! See me play a solo if I don't pass out because of this fog before!

Popping noises. (No this is not a post about joint problems)

Imagine a world without sound. Then imagine seeing a little kid overjoyed with his mouth wide open and some sort of candy in his mouth. Chances are that kid would be eating Pop Rocks! As Pop Rocks continue to be famous, many people are drawn to them mainly because they'll support and buy something that makes no sense to them. My language arts teacher said this is also why George Bush was elected as president twice. Before I start, thanks to Julie for first bringing attention to this topic on her blog from the article

So as Julie stated, the popping noise that fascinates so many people if the sound of carbon dioxide (CO2) being released. To make Pop Rocks, the candy mixture itself is initially made and then mixed with carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is then trapped in the candy like a *insert clever simile here*! When this candy is in your mouth, saliva melts the candy allowing the CO2 to escape and create the popping noise. Don't worry, these CO2 emissions are not harmful. Otherwise plenty of kids would flop on the ground on a daily basis due to CO2 inhalation.

After reading this, I thought of another food that is bought more for entertainment than taste, Rice Krispies cereal! Because what other food will you hold to your ear in amusement? Let me just say how many articles about arthritis and joint pain I had to go through to find one article about a cereal.

So scientists aren't entirely certain of the causes of this sound, for try to find a person who will donate money for the research of a cereal noise. Good luck with that. But there are theories! Apparently when Rice Krispies cook, high temperatures are used to form bonds between starch molecules. As the rice cereal begins to rise, air pockets begin to form in the cereal. Then add milk which pushes the air in the pockets creating pressure and ultimately breaking the cereal. Thanks to for information.

Well there you have it. Sorry if I ruined your morning cereal ritual by invoking too much thought.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

If you want to study sound waves, why not study Miley Cyrus


Miley Cyrus has recently been reborn as a cello player. Still, no one tell Robin Thicke about this video because no orchestra is looking for that kind of a member. Don't worry, there is a connection to chemistry!
See now if I tried to do this, it would sound like a group of cats fighting.

Now is the moment we've all been waiting for! I will satisfy your dire need for chemistry! Like a man who just came out of the desert and desperately needs water. Anyway, when I was watching this video, I was wondering how sound could be affected under certain conditions. As a sax player, I wondered if temperature could affect how sound traveled, and what do you know! It does! Now don't you see how Miley Cyrus was a much more interesting introduction than just this! 

We all know from chemistry class air or gases are composed of constantly moving molecules. When it's hot, gas molecules move faster because of the added thermal energy compared to when it's cold. Also, consists of a vibration which repeatedly collides with molecules until it collides with our ear drums which translate these vibrations into the sounds we hear. 

So do you think sound travels faster in hot or cold temperatures? 

Focus on two facts:
1) Sound is a repetition of collisions between molecules by a vibration. 
2) Temperature directly affects the speed of gas molecules. 

Therefore if gas molecules move faster, this means vibrations collide with them faster and thus be transferred faster. In cold weather, the gas molecules move slower giving a slower speed of collision and less opportunities for collisions. So gas molecules are basically like a mosh pit of kids. More energy translates to more bumping between kids or molecules and conversely as well. So sound does travel faster in warm temperatures! Read more of the relation between temperature and the speed of sound here:

Still regardless of the temperature, sound still travels at least 300 meters per second. Take sound to Antarctica, and I'll beat it in a race, no problem!... If I get a minute head start... or a couple minutes.... 

"When you look at me with those eyes, my heart stops"

Not because the eyes are blue or anything. That's boring. I'm really interested because I see the fifth state of matter in these eyes! Chicken eyes to be exact, as Sarah writes on her blog based on the original article from

Now how's that for a citation! More like a disgrace to MLA.

People often talk about three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Then there's plasma. And then chicken eyes. The type of matter found in chicken eyes is called "disordered hyperuniformity." 

This state of matter was identified by researchers at Princeton and Washington University in the cones of eyes located in the retina. Sorry, I can't talk about parts of the eye without thinking of this: 
"My cleats are stuck in your corneas!" 
Anyway, these cones detect the colors violet, blue, green and red. This type of matter has properties of a crystal while it can also behave like a liquid. Considering how much attention this is drawing to chickens' eyes, this is pretty impressive. 

Finding this unique discovery from chicken eyes reminds me of a topic first brought to my attention by my English teacher regarding the vanilla scent found in beaver anal glands. Yes, the vanilla flavor you may be eating or the vanilla scent you may be smelling may really be from a beaver's behind! This compound responsible for vanilla flavor and smell is found in a gland between the pelvis and tail. Due to this proximity, this compound is often secreted in natural waste. So the next time you like a girl's vanilla perfume, be sure to tell her "I really love your smell of beaver poo." Then wink and walk away. Then check out the original article at: 

If you're wondering about the relevance of my tangent, it's to show how bizarre discoveries can be found in bizarre places. Who would've thought to look in a chicken's eyes for the fifth state of matter? Or a beaver's behind for vanilla? Well that's chemistry for you.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mr. President, there's electromagnetic radiation threatening paintings everywhere

One day he declares war on Iraq, the next he's painting puppies! Who could this be other than former President, George Bush!
Face of America everybody!

His paintings may get more attention than his political policies did...
Well don't worry, I'm not writing an entire blog post on Bush's new hobby, but at least he found a new one to replace the old one, declaring war. But this post actually is about paintings! A problem threatening all famous paintings is the risk of faded paint! This is why you see those signs "please no pictures" in museums! 

So in simple terms, here is my explanation. Dyes are made up of chromophores which absorb light and produce the colors we see. Electromagnetic radiation is expressed in different wavelengths, and one of the most harmful of these wavelengths are UV rays. UV rays change the chemical bonds within these dyes changing the amount of light absorbed and thus the color. More information is included here:

If UV rays have this effect on paintings, it's scary to think what they'd do to people! Never getting in a tanning bed... 

Now if you're thinking "Why don't they just put the paintings in a room without light?" well then I'm sorry to inform you that you have to reevaluate your life. 

If all chemistry was like this, I'd win the Nobel Prize

So you may be wondering what area of chemistry I'm talking about? Could it be the reactions that occur within the body in the science of biochemistry? Or the study of elements based on carbon in organic chemistry? No, it's the study of something that makes all people happy, food! Unless food means pickles. That would only cause misery.

I have to give credits to a classmate for stumbling on this through her attempts of making chocolate for Valentine's Day! Check out the original blog post at Because if food itself doesn't help your forget about Valentine's Day, just try thinking of the science of the food.

So the process my friend describes as so painstakingly is tempering! A process in which chocolate is heated to a perfect temperature to make the delicious junk food. Food is definitely an art! Well if you don't do the process right, your chocolates will end up pretty far from Godiva quality. I know Godiva quality far too well from experience... In the post, she advises to keep the chocolate at a constant temperature. Ever wonder why? Well I think I know! From learning bonding in chemistry, I know when you change the amount of heat, the movement of molecules varies which can cause problems in keeping bonds! So keep a constant temperature so they resemble chocolate and not something else...

She also mentions not adding oil because this will cause the molecules to separate. That makes complete sense, for these new substances such as oil, introduce new molecules which will bond with the chocolate molecules. Therefore rather than having chocolate to chocolate bonds (excuse my very basic naming of molecules) the bonds are separated into oil and chocolate!

Even though it may require a lot of effort to make chocolate, I'm proud to say I can eat chocolate without any effort!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Here to save Mother Russia

Entering the second week of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, one significant issue has been snow! I mean, it's so bad that I can hear Russian President Putin crying all the way from Sochi! So why not write about artificial snow this week? Don't worry Russia, I got your back! Credit to the first blogger who drew my attention to this

So how do you make snow? Sodium polycrylate. A polymer which when mixed with water can make a slushy mess known as snow! Woo! Now don't worry, this substance is non-toxic, so it will not burn your skin if you toss it in the air and it falls on your skin. That would certainly be one miserable snow day. Toxic snow sounds horrifying. Don't eat it! This is not Play-Doh! Now back from my tangent! If you want to make this snow more frozen, stick it in the freezer. Who would have thought.

Well I guess Mother Russia is going to need one HUGE freezer! But I'm not sure if Russia has all the time for this, even though the Winter Olympics are halfway through. So how does this method compare to conventional snow makers?

Typical snow machines found at ski resorts are composed of a long system of pipes. Though these machines are quite interesting and nature defying, you do need the right temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Snow makers use a combination of compressed air as well as water to make snow fall from the sky! After pumping the water uphill, these machines use just the right combination of air and water to make snow! This is a lot less suspicious than the instant snow brand that you put in the freezer. It's like an oatmeal where you just add water. But you won't know how it tastes because you shouldn't eat it! don't do it! Read this article for more information:

Maybe the melting of snow in Russia is intentional. For it appears the only events they can win are on an ice rink! Therefore they need all the help they can get on the slopes. Still, I'm confident Lady Liberty United States will prevail! Good luck team U.S.A.! You've already accomplished more than most people will in their entire lives!

I'm getting an adrenaline rush just from writing this!

That's a lie! That would be pretty depressing about my physical condition and mental state if that was true. This week I'm commenting on blog posts of my peers, and I'd like to say it's not because a lack of creativity but I don't want to lie. And it's also required for my chemistry class.

So one post that really drew my attention was how the body reacts to emotions as written on the amazing blog,

In the article, a research is described that discovered feelings humans generate can cause your body to react in specific ways and degrees. Look at the picture below! Or not. It's your choice.

Though it's lightly touched upon by avogadrosalad (the blog writer's name; don't worry, some parent out there did not name their child avogadrosalad. That's when you call child services) is how the reactions of the body make sense when you think about it. For when your happy, your whole body seems to light up like shown in the picture! So make people happy and you will literally light up their day! Then if you look at depression, it affects their entire body which we can all relate to! And even love, which is very focused in the chest and head which may explain why we sometimes lose our reasoning while in love...

Though it does not appear to have the biggest reaction, the feeling of fear heavily affects the body through the production of adrenaline! Some of the coolest survival stories are because of adrenaline (or epinephrine) as told in this article!

In this article, three bystanders in New Zealand lifted a car of a young boy trapped beneath the vehicle! Now we're not talking about a Mini-cooper; there are toy cars bigger than that. It's amazing how this one substance produced by one emotion can instantly make you stronger and your body enter an entirely different state! As mentioned at the end of the article, a man even lifted an SUV to save a man trapped beneath it. But beware! Adrenaline also raises blood pressure and heart rate! Guess the heart wasn't made for these superhuman powers. 

So study biochemistry so you can learn how to turn into a superhuman! Woo chemistry! Biochemistry is probably the most helpful area of science, for we need to learn how our body works and reacts! So if an asteroid ever comes to destroy Earth again, all of mankind can lift it because of adrenaline like it's no problem!   

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Walking on chemistry

Who needs walking on air or on thin ice? It's all about walking on chemistry. By walking on chemistry, I mean the reaction between salt and ice on the ground. Since a snow storm recently hit the east cost like a brick, why not blog about this! Also while shoveling, don't make too big of a pile in one spot or else it will all fall and you won't just be hit with snow but more disappointment realizing you have to shovel all of it again! This is from a first-hand experience.

So now to the chemistry at hand! With a simple understanding of the states of matter, water molecules become more packed and orderly when they change into ice. By adding salt, the melting point is lowered. A known property of ionic compounds, like sodium chloride, is that they are highly soluble. After dissolving in water, the sodium and chlorine ions interfere with the bonding of water molecules preventing the formation of ice. So to make a real world analogy, salt is like a third wheel! It gets between a couple (in this case water) so they can't bond like they normally would! More salt, or third wheels, will result in an even lower melting point. Then when the water dissolves, this is like the couple getting pissed and leaving. Read more in the article:

This wasn't in the article, but one time my dad explained how salt actually causes potholes in roads. If you really don't care, then just skip to the conclusion of this post. But for all of you who do care, woo you! So it's known salt melts ice to water. This water can then move into smaller holes in the road and can then freeze again due to the cold weather. Due to a unique property of hydrogen bonding with water, the volume of water molecules increases from a liquid to a solid. This causes bigger holes! This is also why some communities use sand so it provides traction but doesn't make holes. So if this really gets you mad, you can go yell in the street at the water molecules for changing physical states. Don't be surprised if you get some strange looks from your neighbors!

Since I live in New Jersey, using salt on roads and sidewalks is routine! So many people use it so often but have no idea why it happens! The snow can't be hot, or else it'd just melt the bag it's in! That wouldn't make sense either because you don't burn your tongue when you put salt on your food. Most articles I found just told me salt lowers the melting point of water, but I want to know what happens on a molecular level that makes this happen! More people should have this curiosity to learn why certain things happen. Now for round two of this snow storm.

"...the cosmos has the consistency of chocolate syrup."

Wow. Those are words of joy to any ice cream lover. Imagine how many kids want to be astronauts now! Just imagine outer space filled with floating chocolate syrup. Reminds me of in The Simpsons when Homer goes into outer space and eats chips in zero gravity! Maybe Nesquik just paid the scientists to say this for advertisement.

Anyway, scientists studying matter of outer space discovered it behaves like a fluid. Following this discovery, the scientists found the viscosity of this matter resembles, yes, chocolate syrup! This approach of looking at the matter like it's a fluid has allowed them to study how this matter has changed over time in response to gravity.

To think of matter in the universe, scientists imagine chocolate syrup in water. The chocolate syrup will mix with the water and even out, but there will still be concentrations of particles in particular areas. Since you can't notice every reaction occurring in this mixture, the reaction is averaged per a given amount. See if you told little kids they could study chocolate syrup if they became an astronomer NASA would be packed! Find more information here:

Besides providing pleasant food fantasies, this new model of the universe can greatly help scientists learn more about the universe. Chemistry is the study of matter, but so much of outer space is unknown. It's just there. By studying this matter like a chocolate syrup substance, scientists may be able to discover how it has changed over time and even its original form. Possibly even what caused the Big Bang! So excuse me while I study chocolate syrup in my lab. And by lab, I mean stomach.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So how many old pennies do I have to melt to make this?

Sure, learning about quantum mechanics in class is interesting, but when it really becomes a BOHR (haha) it's always fun to play with magnets. Like in the video below! How convenient.

I'll first try to explain magnetism before I try to explain why this magnet behaves this way in the copper tube. In the end, if you're disappointed with my explanation, well I bet it's not the first time you've been disappointed in your life. Alright so magnets! A magnet is anything that produces a magnetic field. Now it is known all matter is made up of atoms consisting of a nucleus and electrons. Electrons occupy suborbitals in energy levels, and there can only be two electrons in each suborbital. 

One electron spins clockwise while the other counter clockwise. If there are two electrons in a suborbital, then there opposite spins cancel each other out, but if there is only one, then a magnetic field is created! So if people are usually alone, they might watch sad movies while eating food. Nope! That doesn't cut it for electrons; they create magnetic fields. 

If there are enough atoms with these magnetic fields, then this object will be very responsive to magnets. These objects are known as ferromagnetic materials. Find a more elaborate explanation here: link:

Now for the magnet and the metal! Sounds like a story. Anyway, I learned in my chemistry class metallic bonds consist of a sea of electrons with positive nuclei floating in this "sea." The valence electrons occupy the space around these nuclei creating metallic bonds. Therefore there are two charges in the copper material while there is one charge in the magnet in this case. While one charge of the copper surrounding the magnet will be repelling the magnet, the other will be attracting it causing this spinning. So if you're ever under pressure from peers, make like a magnet and just start spinning? Maybe people will be freaked out and go away! Woo no more pressure! 

As you go further into chemistry and learn about more comprehensive topics such as intermolecular forces, like Van der Waal's forces, it's important to have an understanding of dipolar attraction of neighboring molecules and magnetic fields. Now if the last sentence sounded like Chinese to you, then do not worry about it at all! Still, it'd be nice to know the reason for magnets working is not magic or "just because." 

Wow, as I am writing this blog post, the final category on tonight's episode of Jeopardy was revealed as the periodic table. I think that's a sign for me to leave! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Who needs gasoline when you have sandwich bags? Perfectly Reasonable.

After recent innovations, this post title may actually be less sarcasm and more reality.

By heating plastic bags, scientists in India have created a method for creating liquid fuel from plastic bags and other items. Considering the extremely large amount of plastic based products we use on a daily basis, this new discovery may prove to be very useful. Maybe this is India's way of challenging the Middle East's current monopoly on oil sales. Asian countries have to make money too! Especially when you have the second biggest population in the world...

Plastic bags are commonly made with petrochemicals which are commonly found in petrochemical fuels. Yes, I know; who would have expected petrochemicals to be in petrochemical fuels? Anyway, by heating these plastic bags between 400 to 500 degrees Celsius, the scientists are able to extra carbon molecules from the polymers of the plastic bags. With the use of gas chromatography, scientists are able to identify these chains of carbon molecules as substances chemically similar to petrochemical fuels. I guess the 400 degree Celsius minimum rules out the possibility of melting plastic bags in a frying pan to make gasoline? Unless your kitchen stove is more like an incinerator.

For every kilogram of plastic, scientists are able to make 700g of liquid fuel! Scientists will try to advertise this technique, for it holds the potential of alleviating pressure from landfills. Read more in the article:

I already drew attention to how many plastic products are used on a daily basis, but now think of how many end up on the ground. Even if some are disposed right, people just decide to dig these holes called landfills and put them in there with all of our other trash. Since plastic isn't biodegradable and oil is a finite resource, why not make a better use for it than tossing it in a hole! So study science because it helps mankind undo all the screw-ups it makes. There's probably not enough science to learn in order to undo all of the United States' mistakes. . .  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Because what's Super Bowl Sunday without Wave Terminology?

Happy Super Bowl Sunday everybody! Go Broncos! To make this introduction slightly about chemistry, the amount of matter in food I will be eating tonight is amazing! Imagine how many moles of food I will eat. Bleh moles, surprised I can still say that after my chemistry midterm. Alright, enough of this irrelevance.

Sound in the form of waves has always been transmitted in two ways, forwards and backwards. Recently, a new machine transfers sound only one way. So there'll be no talking behind your back! Buh dum tsss...

Scientists were able to achieve this form of sound in one direction by using magnetic materials to send all electrons of the waves spinning in one direction. The machine resembles a fan and is made so these sound waves only travel in one direction. Look at the picture below!
It looks like a toy for a toddler! "Which part of the acoustic circulator is red?" Next thing you know, they'll be on sesame street. Imagine what the parents of these scientists must think. "You spend your life making things like this?..." Read more from the article:

Still there can be good uses for it! With the huge crowds at Metlife Stadium today, maybe scientists can figure out ways to contain sound within areas. Like a highway! Or a concert in the middle of a city! Either way, it's cool how these scientists can manipulate the properties of sound waves to change how they're transmitted. So study science all your life, and then you can make a fan. Still, if the Dyson fan can find a purpose in this world, so can this invention. 

"Let's buy it because it looks like a goal from quidditch!" 

Caught in a Web of Lies

In the past, a study team from Iowa State University published findings stating spider silk possessed the ability to conduct heat like a metal. These findings were supposed to "...revolutionize the conventional thought on the low thermal conductivity of biological materials." For some reason I don't really think many people think about this, but recently a group of scientists from the University of Basque Country published findings which challenge the past findings. It's on!

Though the original findings reported spider silk to conduct heat as well as the best metals, the second findings did not come even close. The second team took a common garden spider of Europe and tested its conductivity and found it was 300 times less than the original findings. It's very unlikely the difference was caused by the use of different spiders. I mean, unless the first spider was the same spider who bit Peter Parker.

It's surprising the first group of scientists didn't second-guess their findings as biological materials are usually not sufficient for conducting heat. Read more in the article:

Even though spider silk does not have these super qualities, these findings prove how discoveries are constantly changing in the science world. The one world where you are expected to get things wrong! And even though it can be a pain, this is why it's important to record lab procedures so other scientists can repeat the same experiment. Or you could just not record the procedure so you could never be proven wrong. That sounds like the better choice.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mother nature spitting in our face

Recently in the Chinese city of Beijing, smog levels rose so high to a point where the sunrise could not be seen. Maybe mother nature is trying to tell us something. Well guess what mother nature! We can still televise a sunrise! The glow of all those mega pixels is really helping me wake up. Not.

To make matters even worse, people casually wore industrial strength face masks in response to the government's severe air warning. This is so bad that children and the elderly have been advised to stay inside. So kids can't even play in the smog without risking breathing problems. Awesome.

People even reported they could not see buildings on the other side of the street because of the smog! The U.S. embassy in Beijing reported that day levels of pollution in the air so high that they were literally off the charts. Of course United States, telling China its air quality sucks in its capitol will definitely help improve foreign relations. Great idea.

Levels of pollution have even been reported to be on the rise in the United States! Experts recognize the heavy dependency on coal to generate electricity as the cause of the increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Here's a resolution! What if we all abandon generating electricity with fossil fuels and other methods and instead cover the entire nation with solar panels? Oh wait, there's no way our country can afford solar panels with a 16 trillion dollar debt. Read more in the article:

Honestly thinking of the cause of this effect is disappointing. In some cases, nature can fix the many injuries we inflict upon nature constantly. Like recently I wrote about an article that described how an oil spill in a river in Virginia will naturally decay in a matter of weeks because of reactions with all of the other forms of matter surrounding the river. Nature can't even help us out of this issue with air pollution! It has to block out the sun for us to finally realize we're doing something wrong! Just wait until it blocks out the sun completely, and then we'll have the same experience as the dinosaurs.


Aurora Borealis. Sounds like a pig.

 Though Aurora Borealis sounds like a species of pig, do not worry, this blog post is not about pigs! It's about the Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis. These awesome light shows start from about 93 million miles away on the sun. So if you have never noticed them, you have made these particles travel 93 million miles for nothing. I hope you're happy with yourself.

Now that the guilt show is done, let's get down to the science. When explosions called solar flares occur on the surface of the sun, plasma, meaning high charged particles, are sent flying into outer space. The ones that come in contact with Earth hit the Magnetosphere (No, this is not a field created by Magneto for all X-men fans out there). This Magenetosphere is a constant flow of charged particles around the Earth. Once plasma comes in contact with this Magnetosphere, it is sent flying towards the magnetic poles. Yes, for once getting into a collision is a good thing.

It is on this course towards the magnetic pole when the amazing colors in the sky are created. Remember plasma particles have a high charge, so when they come in contact with other molecules in the atmosphere, such as oxygen, they make these bright colors. Maybe the collision between these forms of matter cause the electrons of the air molecules to enter excited state, and when they return to ground state, they release energy in the form of the light that we see. So see when you learn one thing in chemistry, like the movement of electrons, you try to find an opportunity to relate it to everything. This is what life has come to. Read more in the article:

Besides providing natural entertainment, this chain of collisions with plasma and air molecules can also affect society. In the extreme case, it can bring down satellites and power grids. Maybe these plasma particles are intentionally bringing down power grids so you'll finally notice them! The things matter will do to get noticed! These collisions can also cause the magnetic field to fluctuate. This could provide complications for navigation systems that still use compasses even though most people today use GPS... But still! Just pay attention to these lights, or who knows what these particles might do next.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Don't cry over spilled oil

Recently in West Virginia, a coal-washing chemical was leaked into a river which serves as a source of water to many homes. Now if you're suffering from medical problems related to this water, then this is not like spilled milk and you entirely have the privilege to cry! Though this oil spill was not as much of a debacle as the BP oil spill, locals have been told by officials not to use their tap water except for flushing the toilet.

The chemical is categorized as an alcohol therefore in high concentrations it's even flammable! Being this is a industrial chemical, the effects of it on a person's health are still unknown. Well that's reassuring! Even though this event is inconvenient for the people whose homes are affected by this spill, consider how this is a good promotion for water purification companies like Brita! "Tired of having oil in your water source? A brand new Brita filter will get the job done!"

It's also interesting how factors of nature interact with this chemical in the water. The chemical already has a half-life of two weeks without including other factors. This means half of the harmful molecules of the element will decay after two weeks. When factors such as soil, air, and sunlight are added, this process can even be sped up. Read more in the article:

The case of this oil spill shows even though we may have the chemicals to attempt to repair our mistakes, sometimes it's better to just let nature take its course. It's almost like the water cycle and other cycles were made considering our ignorant behavior! How convenient! Honestly, I'm very impressed some person didn't show up and say "Well let's pump more chemicals into the river to get the chemicals out!" Still, though the decay of the chemical molecules will take place, the thought of the oil spill will always remain in the communities affected by this. Some precaution when dealing with hazardous chemicals would be nice.

Infinite Money!

Infinite money: something that does not exist in our world! Unless possibly Bill Gates. If anyone would have a money tree, it would be that man.

Now for the real purpose of this blog post. Many common products we use on a daily basis, such as margarine, medication, more efficient and clean car exhausts, and other items are made using catalysts composed of metals such as platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium.

"Well that's great, but why do I care?"

These metals are rare, and the typical trend of pricing is a product with low supply and high demand will translate to a high price. Therefore, as platinum has a price of $22,656 per pound based on information from, you could easily see why scientists would want to cheaper alternatives. Wow, that price hurts my eyes...

Just the fact for $1,000,000, you could buy around 44 lbs. of platinum. So you could buy enough platinum equivalent to the weight of a medium sized dog for $1,000,000... Yes! For a million dollars you can have metals for catalysts to make margarine! Anything for toast! Alright moving on.

In a recent science news journal, three teams of scientists published findings in which they could create catalysts with much cheaper metals that perform as well if not better than these million-dollar catalysts. Too bad these catalysts can't be made of Aluminum. It's only $0.78! I could pay for those catalysts with my lunch money. By adding specific organic molecules to other metals and then dissolving them in a solution, scientists were able to create these cheaper catalysts that won't break the bank! Read more in the article

Well this is the point of science! To make life easier! Life surely will be easier since companies won't have to be stressed because of debt caused from purchasing expensive metals such as platinum. But in all seriousness, this shows have humans are approaching a time when these finite resources will one day be depleted. Therefore it's important science invests time into this type of science producing many alternatives. Wait I have boxes of platinum in my kitchen! Just kidding, it's only aluminum.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Walking in a polar vortex land

After having snow storms covering terrains across the country, people then were forced to endure face-numbing temperatures of around 9 degrees Fahrenheit in the current polar vortex. With these true winter temperatures, chemistry students across the nation have been bestowed with the perfect opportunity to observe changes in states of matter! Don't worry, the first thing I think about when I see snow is not "Woo changes in states of matter," but I'm honestly disappointed I didn't perform these cool experiments! Get it? Cool? Even these frigid temperatures can't stop me from making puns!

Anyway the first experiment was conducting using bubbles from household soap. Bubbles in liquid form are entertaining enough, but these bubbles have been frozen in the cold temperatures taking bubbles to a new level of awesome!


Find more pictures in the article: Though the article didn't explain this, I think my understanding of the states of matter is good enough to explain this process. The bubbles began in the form of a liquid in the bottle. Liquids are defined by molecules that are less orderly than solids which can also flow past each other allowing liquids to take the shape of any container they are placed in. Once this bubble was created, all molecules were exposed to the cold air. This change in heat caused the molecules to move closer together until they froze creating the pictures above. 

The next experiment I actually observed during my lunch period in school. So ha! High school kids really do care about changes in states of matter, they just don't know it! In this experiment, water is boiled or heated and then tossed high in the air. Look at pictures provided and described in this article: 

Yes, this experiment isn't just about tossing water into the air. The changes it undergoes in the air is what is really observed! Once tossed from the container, the water now has a greater surface area than it did in the container. This greater surface area allows more water molecules to come in contact with the cold air allowing the water to change into ice crystals or snow, if you prefer. Please do not try this at home, for it may be shocking, but people have obtained injuries while conducting this experiment. How, you may ask? Stupidity. Well to elaborate, some people tossing the hot water into the air did not predict its trajectory causing the boiling water to land on them! The shock these people probably received when they were covered in not snow but instead boiling water! That must have been awkward explaining to the doctor. "So how did you get these burns?" "I threw boiling water on myself..." 

Though these experiments are not revealing ground-breaking discoveries in science, they are sparking interest everywhere! As a student of chemistry, I can personally say it's more interesting learning about a topic while performing experiments such as these. Even with chemistry labs, like the dehydration of sugar using sulfuric acid, kids will be more motivated to learn about it because explosions and these reactions are cool! It's because of these experiments which plant a curiosity in us which ultimately lead people to pursuing why and how these reactions happen continuously building upon common knowledge of science. But please do not toss boiling water on yourself in the process. Science is not that desperate.   

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Please pass the planet forming compound"

Well I've never asked for the salt by saying this at the dinner table, but hopefully the compound salt will obtain more recognition for its newly found qualities. In its sudden rise to fame, salt has punched and kicked in the face every chemistry textbook out there. And considering the surprising qualities salt is exhibiting under pressure which is supposedly beginning a "revolution in chemistry," it can do whatever it wants!

I mean, I can do amazing things under pressure too, so I don't understand why salt is getting so much attention!

By applying 200,000 atmospheres of pressure, scientists were able to form compounds which were thought to be impossible to form with salt and other common elements. This explains how unique compounds which formed our planet were made under 3,600,000 million atmospheres. These compounds,  NaCl3, NaCl7, Na3Cl2, Na2Cl, and Na3Cl, were not the expected result predicted with the rules of electronegativity. Electronegativity states the combination of these two elements would only form common rock salts. Yeah, I know several chemical formulas won't get the common person excited. Oh well! The formation of these new, "impossible" compounds even defies the octet rule! My entire chemistry class is a lie!

By observing this behavior of salt under pressure, scientists believe they can use a diamond anvil to compress salt and other substances into new materials with incredible qualities! So if I make clothes with these types of compounds, would my clothes be "impossible?" Also, scientists hope to learn more about Earth by knowing elements can exhibit extraordinary properties under certain circumstances. Here is the article:

These types of discoveries are crucial to science, for who ever thought the common table salt could be the metaphorical glue of these almost mythical compounds. The advancement of science is driven by this constant will to prove the impossible to be possible. This sounds like a excerpt from a motivational speech, but not really, it's just a plain fact! We might as well learn more about the formation of Earth also. Chemistry is the study of matter and how it reacts with other forms of matter. Since we're standing on the most obvious product of this, why not learn more about it?  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A toilet that may be more productive than you

Yeah, I'm writing about toilets, but don't judge this post yet!

In an attempt to create a self-sufficient toilet, innovators at the California Institute of Technology have incorporated an electrolysis cell into their electrochemical water splitting method of making clean water from toilet water. First, water (H2O) is split into two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, so oxygen can react with chlorine found in urine. This reaction creates means for purification of the water. The excess hydrogen gas later reacts with oxygen and water vapor in a high temperature fuel cell to create an electric current stored in batteries. So now's the time when some people must come to the realization, "Wow, this toilet might be more productive than I am."

So whenever I hear of something generating an electrical current, I think of the common science fair project where the potato somehow powers the clock, but here toilet water is creating an electrical current! It would be a waste to not make use of this waste! Buh dum tsssss... Sorry I had to. I won't mind if you REUSE that pun. Alright, enough with the puns now.
Here is the article:

Still, there's one point this article casually drifts over. This method of toilet water purification water purification  produces water which can be used for "toilet flushing or crop irrigation." So our vegetables and other crops can be watered with toilet water? Yum thanks science... It's cool how the scientists were able to use a common knowledge of chemical reactions to purify water and even produce an electric current, but could this water at least be used for something less repulsive? Maybe our houses can be toilet powered one day! Still, I wouldn't want to drink this clean toilet water, and I wouldn't want food made with this toilet water either!

Would you like some chemicals with that chicken?

With an annual decrease in levels of salmonella in chicken, the U.S. poultry industry seems to be succeeding greatly. After all, what would you expect in our modern society? Certainly not these companies cultivating dirty chickens and using powerful chemicals to hide sources of salmonella. Well that's exactly what's happening. Suddenly Whole Foods' and Fairway's prices don't seem so egregious! Maybe that's why Fairway's slogan is "Like no other market." Doesn't sell chemical coated chicken like every other market?

Researchers were first suspicious when salmonella rates in chicken continued to decreases while the infection rates among the population either remained stagnant or even increased. While the same tests of sanitation and certification were continuously used in factories, companies continue to used more, stronger chemicals. I guess expecting the poultry industry to have common sense was too much? Do inspectors have to tell these companies, "By the way, you can't spray these chickens with chemicals to make them clean." Just to be safe, someone should also make it clear to companies they cannot dump oil in the ocean, for clearly common sense is too much to ask for!

Typically in the past, inspectors instructed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture would randomly select pieces of chicken from the production line and dip them in a solution. This solution would remove any chemicals which try to conceal bacteria while not removing salmonella. Since companies have been able to cheat this test, this means companies have been using more and a greater amount of chemicals. Besides masking salmonella, these chemicals have also caused respiratory problems, skin rashes, and other bad side effects. Never before have I had anxiety after eating chicken for dinner...
Read more in this article:

With behavior such as this, modern industries should not focus on capability but instead morality. Yes, it does speak volumes of our development in science that we are able to mask salmonella strains with chemicals though does this help society? People could also choose to only depend on nuclear warfare to solve world problems thanks to science, but we don't because we know it is not morally acceptable.